Monthly Archives: August 2022

When should you repair or replace a roof?

Most people only think about roof repair when there is a leak. However, roofing experts say that it’s important to consider the condition of your roof and make repairs before any major damage occurs. Roof replacement may become necessary if the roof is too damaged to be repaired. Signs of roof damage that you can’t ignoreIf you notice any of these signs, it’s important to call a roofing contractor right away. They will be able to inspect the roof and determine if repairs or replacement is necessary. This is one of the most obvious signs [...]

2023-06-21T18:47:21-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: , , |

Crazy Gutter Cut Found in Ferndale – Contractor Wall of Shame

DISCLAIMER: This is not our work! This is a photo that our staff took during an inspection. We are sharing this to highlight what can go wrong when you hire the lowest bidder or a company that does sub-par work. Here is a picture we took this week in Ferndale where the gutter is cut into the window trim. During heavy rains, this could cause water to flow directly inside the window trim and/or wall causing damage or rot. We highlight work like this just to show what happens when you hire the wrong contractor.

2022-09-27T11:19:00-04:00Categories: Wall of the Lowest Bidder|Tags: |

How mold damages your roof, and how can you prevent it?

Mold on your roof is not only unsightly, but it can also lead to structural damage and shingle damage. In order to prevent mold damage, it’s important to understand the conditions that promote its growth. Additionally, regular roof inspections can help you catch any potential problems before they become bigger issues. What causes mold to grow on roofing shingles? Mold needs three things to grow: food, moisture, and warmth. Roofing shingles provide an ideal food source for mold, and the shady, moist conditions on your roof make it the perfect place for mold to thrive. Mold thrives in humid [...]

2022-09-27T11:34:28-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: , , |