Monthly Archives: April 2013

Signs That Your Metro Detroit House Needs a New Roof

Replacing a roof is never an easy decision for homeowners to come to because of the high cost. It's hard to tell if a complete roof tear-off is necessary or if the roofing contractor you hired is just trying to rip you off. This is why it's important to learn as much as you can before getting an estimate. The more informed you are, the harder it is for a company to take advantage of you. So, how do you know if you need a whole new roof or some minor repairs? Know the Age of Your Roof Most experts [...]

2022-09-28T14:24:44-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: |

Reasons to Replace Your Old Windows in Ferndale, MI

Since replacing windows can be expensive, many people don't feel the need to replace their old windows until they're broken. What people don't realize is that keeping outdated windows can cost more in the long run than replacing them with newer ones. Many of our customers in Oakland County Michigan tell us that had they known this, they would have gotten new windows sooner. Hearing this, we felt the need to educate our readers on the benefits of replacement windows. 1. Lower Utility Bills If you upgrade your old windows to new energy efficient ones, the savings can be huge. [...]

2022-09-28T14:25:48-04:00Categories: Windows|Tags: , |