Monthly Archives: October 2012

Do You Have a Window Leak in the Detroit Metro Area?

With all the rain we've been getting here in Oakland County, Michigan you may be dealing with leaking windows. We've seen these leaks go undetected all the time and it can cause major damage. Here are 4 signs that your window is leaking. 1. Moisture Near Window Moisture near the window is the most obvious sign of a leaking window and puddles like the one shown above are a sign of a serious leak. If you experience puddles like this one, you should call a window contractor immediately. A leak this serious could be trouble when a big storm rolls in. [...]

2022-09-28T14:52:53-04:00Categories: Windows|Tags: , , , |

Is Your Bloomfield Hills Roof Ready for High Winds?

Right now, Oakland county is under a high wind advisory. These high winds can be destructive to your roof and cause extensive storm damage. So, with the hurricane backlash coming our way, Martino Home Improvements wants to know, is your roof ready for high winds? Is your roof clear of branches overhead? Tree branches hanging above your roof may look nice on a clear day, but during high winds they're a menace. It's important to clear the branches near your roof so that high winds don't send the branches into your roof. Has your roof been inspected recently? It's recommended [...]

2022-09-28T14:53:44-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: , |

Attic Ventilation Tips for Oakland County, Michigan

Improperly vented attics can cause major damage to your roof. Many homes in Oakland County, Michigan have high levels of moisture due to improper ventilation. To save your roof, we at Martino Home Improvements are going to go over 5 things that you need to know about attic ventilation. 1. Too Much Ventilation Is A Bad Thing The amount of attic ventilation that you need for your home is precise. To avoid insufficient ventilation and the moisture problems that can occur, some people overdue it on their ventilation. This is a major mistake as too much ventilation can be just [...]

2022-09-28T14:54:35-04:00Categories: Roofing|Tags: |

Insulating Your Oakland County Home

With temperatures in the 50s here in Michigan, you can feel winter coming. In order to keep your home warm this winter, while saving on your energy bills, you should insulate your roof. Depending on your level of expertise, you may want to hire a professional to do this for you. If you feel you can handle it, here's a step-by-step guide for insulating your roof. 1. Choose Insulation You may not know it, but you have choices when it comes to insulation. You can go with recycled insulation which is a green alternative. Then there's the most common, blanket [...]

2022-09-28T14:55:22-04:00Categories: Insulation|Tags: |

Choose the Right Shingle and Siding Combination in Livonia, Michigan

If you're renovating the outside of your home, it can be a lot of work. There are many decisions to make, such as windows, roof type, and color. It's work to pull together the outside of the home. So today we want to help by giving you tips for choosing the right shingle and siding combination. 1. See what works in your neighborhood One of the easiest ways to get a matching shingle and siding combination is to peek at your neighbor's homes. Drive through the neighborhood and see if there are any combinations that strike you. Don't be afraid [...]

2022-09-28T14:56:38-04:00Categories: Roofing, Siding|Tags: , |

5 Ways to Make Your Michigan Roof Energy Efficient

In today’s economy, lowering everyday expenses is big on everyone’s mind. We at Martino Home Improvements understand this and want to help. So here are a few tips for making your roof energy efficient. 1. Color Your Shingles In warm climates, light shingles will reflect light and ultraviolet waves to keep your home cool. In cold climates, dark shingles will help keep your home heated. Here in Michigan, we tend to swing back and forth between hot and cold with the seasons. This means that you have a choice to make. If your heating bill tends to be more [...]

2022-10-12T09:15:15-04:00Categories: Roofing|